Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

Enhance your cash flow and patient billing process.

The financial health of any healthcare enterprise begins with the strength of its cash flow and the efficiency of the patient billing process. E3 Revenue Cycle Management Solutions are tailor-made to simplify the billing and collection process, preventing un-recoverable loss of revenue.

Our RCM Solutions comprise of state-of-the-art rules engine and application configuration tools, designed to define complex rules, conditions and near-impossible business process flows with ease. With improved scalability and flexibility, our revenue cycle management and patient-billing solutions help streamline billing processes, reduce gross days receivables outstanding, maximize and optimize collections, and improve the cash-flow.

“Revenue Cycle Inefficiencies Accounted for 15 Percent of Spent on Healthcare. Fixing the RCM Challenge Will Optimize the Process and Save Significant Funds That Can Be Used to Improve Care and Reduce Cost”

-Mckinsey & Company

Automation In RCM

In today’s Healthcare System, automated Revenue Cycle Management is a critical component to cater to the growing number of patients that rely on Health Insurance or Third-Party Payors to fulfill their financial obligations.

At E3, we focus on transforming Revenue Cycle Operations at Hospitals and Healthcare Establishments, tailored to meet the unique requirements of the GCC and the Levant. With strict protocol that covers every aspect of our services from conceptualizing, right through development and implementation, we ensure that our solutions adhere to local regulations, insurance practices and the highest quality standards.

Our deep local expertise and expertise are the special ingredients to our success in designing and implementing Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management Systems in the region.

E3’s goal is to help hospitals provide high quality of care and improve resource utilization, while ensuring accurate patient-accounting and real-time financial visibility.

Percentages of healthcare establishments that automate various aspects of Revenue Cycle Management:

Coding Assistance
Claims Scrubbing
Eligibility-Inquiry Checks
Tasking Staff & Denial Follow-Ups
Appointment Reminders

An accurate and robust Revenue Cycle Management System is essential for the success of Private Healthcare Providers around the globe.

Boost Performance

Infor Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management offers an exceptionally robust, yet flexible rules-based application to optimize complex billing and revenue management operations.

In addition, Infor Healthcare RCM improves the accuracy of billing and claims through its multi-site capabilities and billing-process automation. This allows users to access real-time data and insight into the factors that affect your financial position.

Key Features

  • Automated collection process
  • Customizable rules
  • Customized Patient statements and invoices
  • Split billing of tests and accessions to multiple payors.
  • Ease of changing payors and automatically adjusting rules – billing, revenue & receivables.

Infor Healthcare RCM helps improve every aspect of billing and collections
processes so healthcare providers can focus on delivering better service and achieving better financial results.

Learn more about Infor RCM modules.